

发布日期:2024-07-04 05:30  点击次数:130


ISO 11439-2013【华文版翻译+PDF原版】气瓶 - 用于车载存储自然气算作汽车燃料的高压气瓶

原文英文标落款:Gas cylinders — High pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles

华文翻译标落款:气瓶 - 用于车载存储自然气算作汽车燃料的高压气瓶

页 数:71页



CCS分类:J74 机械 - 通用机械与诞生 - 压力容器

ICS分类:75.200 石油及相干技巧 - 石油、石油居品和自然气储运诞生


华文翻译:ISO 11439-2013.pdf 法例了仅用于将高压压缩自然气算作汽油燃料固定在汽车上的轻量级可再填充气瓶的最低要求。行状条目不包括车辆碰撞等引起的外部负载。 ISO 11439:2013涵盖了任何无缝钢,无缝铝合金或非金属材料结构的气瓶,使用顺应特定使用条目的任何谋略或制造要道。它不秘籍不锈钢圆柱体。 ISO 11439:2013使用200 bar算作参考责任压力,但不错使用其他责任压力。 ISO 11439:2013涵盖的气瓶被指定为类型1,类型2,类型3和类型4

英文原版:ISO 11439-2013.pdf ISO 11439:2013 specifies minimum requirements for light-weight refillable gas cylinders intended only for the on-board storage of high pressure compressed natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles to which the cylinders are to be fixed. The service conditions do not cover external loadings that can arise from vehicle collisions买球·(中国)APP官方网站, etc. ISO 11439:2013 covers cylinders of any seamless steel, seamless aluminium alloy or non-metallic material construction, using any design or method of manufacture suitable for the specified service conditions. It does not cover cylinders of stainless steel. ISO 11439:2013 uses 200 bar as a reference working pressure, but other working pressures can be used. Cylinders covered by ISO 11439:2013 are designated Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4.


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